• Yoke is a social scanning tool. It instantly analyses your social media history and identifies potentially embarrassing or contentious content the user may wish to review.

    The tool is aimed to help safeguard individual careers and brand reputations and value.

  • After a user provides Yoke access to their social media accounts, Yoke collates all thier public facing content and runs it through a moderation software.

    The ‘flagged’ content is then presented back to the user on their personal dashboard.

  • For Individuals:

    -Safeguarding your past & future proofing your career
    -Self reflection / progression on your past-Protecting your personal brand / reputation
    -Taking control of your online reputation
    -Taking accountability for previous posts
    -Playing a part in improving social media platforms and improving society
    -Clearing your conscience

    For Organisations:
    -Protecting your staff-Protecting your brand reputation and value
    -Providing you staff essential tools for their well being / personal life-Getting ahead of potential press / media issues
    -Protecting your companies' future assets and workforce
    -Taking control of your online reputation
    -Confidence on new hires past-Safer recruitment

  • Yoke does not store any data related to the customers social media profile and flagged content.

    All data is fetched live when the user runs a scan. This content is then displayed to the user and subsequently discarded when the user navigates away from the browser.

  • Yoke currently works with Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly Twitter) and Reddit.

    These are the four largest (non video driven) platforms in the UK. We are continuously adding new platforms, so continue to check back.